Acupuncture to restore homeostasis
Acupuncture works by stimulating specific points on the body with thin needles that influence the flow of energy (Qi) in order to restore balance. For centuries, Eastern medicine has honored this balanced flow of energy, Qi, as the principal factor contributing to health and well-being. Qi moves through the body via energy pathways known as meridians. I see the body as a complex electrical instrument and this energy network very much resembles electronic wiring in a computer. As an acupuncturist, I use an array of tools such as thin needles, essential oils, acupressure, or radiant energy (Qi Gong) to activate the body’s Qi, much in the same way an electrical engineer tests a circuit board, to stimulate the body’s innate healing intelligence. This balancing effect can have beneficial effects on all systems of the body, including the nervous and immune systems.
The nervous system plays an important role in regulating our body’s responses to environmental stimuli such as stressful events, pain signals, or airborne triggers like pollen. Stimulation of acupuncture points whether by needle, pressure, or radiant energy, encourages our body’s Qi to regulate its neural pathways, thereby reducing inflammation and calming the nervous system. This allows us to respond more accurately to our environment, reducing stress hormones, shifting us into a growth state, and improving overall mood.
When it comes to supporting the immune system, acupuncture is incredibly effective because it supports overall health as well as homeostasis – when everything is functioning properly at optimal balance. As we regain homeostasis or alignment, our stress level lowers, reducing the amount of cortisol (the “stress hormone”) released by our adrenal glands. This can result in improved restorative sleep and more stable moods. By allowing deeper relaxation and minimizing anxiety, acupuncture’s influence on our innate healing power helps us nourish our bodies while boosting immunity against viruses and infection.
If you have been considering acupuncture for yourself, it may be worth exploring further – both for its ability to regulate your nervous system as well as its potential to support a healthy immune response.